Soldiers Break Stride, Friday
It is Friday evening and under my windows Firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus) colony deposited.
It is Friday evening and under my windows Firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus) colony deposited.
Different forms and shades of Paw (Law) enforcement.
“Games without frontiers”: voluntary Tactical Medicine for civilians A a year ago, the Tactical Medicine course for civilians was carried out on Trukhaniv Island in Kiev, on the 27 th of June 2016. Since 2014 it became a popular activity …
The Book-Breakfast, the Chestnut-run and Genghis Khan walk on Sunday the 28th of May, 2017 in Kiev. What could be better than reading a good book? The Book breakfast with …
Romance and calculation are mutually exclusive, and motherhood is self – sacrifice. Why not turning prejudice into pleasure: how well planned motherhood may help to cash in? Traditional girlfriends’ chat on the eve of bride’ Big Day, wedding…
The brood of Song Thrushes: mom and 3 youngsters camped for 3 days in front of…
The III-rd group of simplified tax regime, Ukraine: 5%-27,5% tax exposure on self-employed, sole trader, company with annual income up to UAH5mln (Pound 147K) in Ukraine since 01.01.2017. So anyone (including nonresident) may establish Limited Liability Company on “simplified” tax regime…
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Holders of passports of 59 jurisdictions can enter Ukraine without a visa for a stay up to 90 days within a 180 day period, amongst them are the following:
Victory in Europe Day, or VDay is the day of Remembrance in Kiev, Ukraine, the 8th of May 2017. The formal end of World War II in Europe. Official acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany’s unconditional surrender…
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When you are 1 mile from home and ancounter THIS, and by coincidence your Canon with you…. it is part of rehearsals to Eurovision song contest in Kiev, Ukraine to be held 9-13th of May 2017.
1-2 of May – are state holidays in Ukraine. It is International Workers’ Day, which we celebrate by going out and having rest. Younger locals may call it “Kiev liberation Day” or “Bank holidays” – which is misleading…
What could be better than Saturday bike ride and fhoto shooting cherry blossom? It is exactly what we were planning a year ahead
When ‘Topping’ is not ‘Top notch’, but Anti-Green Revolt of the Masses and misuse of public resources Public property, perhaps “Budget Wood-chucking” Paradoxically, there is well-known cliché in Russian as “Распил бюджета” with approximate translation into English “Budget’ wood-chucking”,
When ‘Topping’ is not ‘Top notch’, but Anti-Green Revolt of the Masses and misuse of public resources When ‘Topping’ is not ‘Top notch’ we might of already lost our habitat to barbaric ignorance The same word may have…
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As worthless gifts donation evolved as a part of a spider’ nuptial game, a multi-level marketing entered financial services as a response to financial market conditions.
Comparing multi-level marketing of financial services in humans with worthless donations in spiders.
Misterious big web coccoons – up to 15 x 20 sm.- appeared during the night on pine trees somewhere in Southern Europe. I wonder if air-port phyto-sanitary control may check the coccon for aliens or ghosts on my flight home
Ulcinj of Crna Gora, Montenegro Human bee-hive, or favela?: but for wealthy
There are around 33 government agencies and up to 150 public digital government registers in Ukrainein Ukraine, Being open to public, Government registers are crutial not only for due-diligence; these registers facilitate business operations and save time decreasing bureaucracy in general.
Saturday in Kiev olden downtown ‘I would rather work a little bit, but it is shabbat already, and I am – …’ /very approximate translation from Russian/
What do women want …as the present? One of Millennials, artistic well – educated woman, successful professional top-brass manager, Land – Lady of estate located in wealthy capital city suburb. Just imagine a gift that might please her on the Birth-Day…
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