Boo!!! Let us shout! Scary story on company names giving, legal point of view
October the 31st, it is time to recollect a little legal scare on company names giving. …
October the 31st, it is time to recollect a little legal scare on company names giving. …
Controversial 3 day’ protests in government quarters, Kiev, Ukraine: holders of vehicles rallied against pending taxes and duties on their outdated temporarily imported cars. Meanwhile Ukrainian Law provides for high tariffs and taxes on new imported vehicles from EU, and…
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When ‘Topping’ is not ‘Top notch’, but Anti-Green Revolt of the Masses and misuse of public resources Public property, perhaps “Budget Wood-chucking” Paradoxically, there is well-known cliché in Russian as “Распил бюджета” with approximate translation into English “Budget’ wood-chucking”,
When ‘Topping’ is not ‘Top notch’, but Anti-Green Revolt of the Masses and misuse of public resources When ‘Topping’ is not ‘Top notch’ we might of already lost our habitat to barbaric ignorance The same word may have…
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There are around 33 government agencies and up to 150 public digital government registers in Ukrainein Ukraine, Being open to public, Government registers are crutial not only for due-diligence; these registers facilitate business operations and save time decreasing bureaucracy in general.