Free riders with attitude: how to get back-dated car legalization + tax relief + deffered registration

Controversial 3 day’ protests in government quarters, Kiev, Ukraine: holders of vehicles rallied against pending taxes and duties on their outdated temporarily imported cars. Meanwhile Ukrainian Law provides for high tariffs and  taxes on new imported vehicles from EU, and…
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“White”, successful, nearby and single – but for how long? Simplified tax regime with 5% – 27,5% tax exposure effective in Ukraine since 2017,  

The III-rd group of simplified tax regime, Ukraine: 5%-27,5% tax exposure on self-employed, sole trader, company with annual income up to UAH5mln (Pound 147K) in Ukraine since 01.01.2017.  So anyone (including nonresident) may establish Limited Liability Company on “simplified” tax regime…
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