income tax

Shall internet trade in real estate beat the “caveat emptor” rule of sale by private treaty?

Controversial practice of real estate sale (by private treaty) is wide-spread in Ukraine, under which internet commerce and paper cash payment are applicable

“White”, successful, nearby and single – but for how long? Simplified tax regime with 5% – 27,5% tax exposure effective in Ukraine since 2017,  

The III-rd group of simplified tax regime, Ukraine: 5%-27,5% tax exposure on self-employed, sole trader, company with annual income up to UAH5mln (Pound 147K) in Ukraine since 01.01.2017.  So anyone (including nonresident) may establish Limited Liability Company on “simplified” tax regime…
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Evolutionary marketing: financial services pyramids in humans and worthless donations in spiders. Part 2

As worthless gifts donation evolved as a part of a spider’ nuptial game, a multi-level marketing entered financial services as a response to financial market conditions.