28th September 2017
administrative law, car legalization, car registration, customs, excise tax, government permissions, insurance, tariffs, tax, tax relief, traffic rules, VAT
Controversial 3 day’ protests in government quarters, Kiev, Ukraine: holders of vehicles rallied against pending taxes and duties on their outdated temporarily imported cars. Meanwhile Ukrainian Law provides for high tariffs and taxes on new imported vehicles from EU, and…
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30th August 2017
due diligence, government registers, income tax, inheritance, legal advice, Real estate, tax, tax optimizing, Ukraine
Bone Fide Purchaser, buyer beware, caveat emptor, certificate of property ownership, emigrant, internet trade, property purchase, real estate, sale by private treaty
Controversial practice of real estate sale (by private treaty) is wide-spread in Ukraine, under which internet commerce and paper cash payment are applicable
10th June 2017
maternity leave, tax
Romance and calculation are mutually exclusive, and motherhood is self – sacrifice. Why not turning prejudice into pleasure: how well planned motherhood may help to cash in? Traditional girlfriends’ chat on the eve of bride’ Big Day, wedding…
14th May 2017
antiques, cuisine, customs, history, Hobby, Lifestyle, tax, the most read, tourism, tourist registration rules, Ukraine, Uncategorised, visa
Holders of passports of 59 jurisdictions can enter Ukraine without a visa for a stay up to 90 days within a 180 day period, amongst them are the following:
15th March 2017
bank & finance, financial advice, financial pyramid, income tax, insurance, legal advice, multi-level marketing, multilevel marketing, tax, Ukraine
donations, financial pyramid, insurance, multi-level marketing, spiders, worthless
As worthless gifts donation evolved as a part of a spider’ nuptial game, a multi-level marketing entered financial services as a response to financial market conditions.
15th March 2017
bank & finance, donation, financial advice, financial pyramid, income tax, insurance, legal advice, multi-level marketing, multilevel marketing, tax, Ukraine
donations, financial pyramid, insurance, multi-level marketing, spiders, worthless
Comparing multi-level marketing of financial services in humans with worthless donations in spiders.
31st October 2016
antiques, history, Hobby, income tax, inheritance, tax
Cultural traditions in Ukraine, millennials need vintage
What do women want …as the present? One of Millennials, artistic well – educated woman, successful professional top-brass manager, Land – Lady of estate located in wealthy capital city suburb. Just imagine a gift that might please her on the Birth-Day…
28th August 2016
death tax, Family law, inheritance, legal advice, Real estate, tourism
“Prospect of sharing property with girlfriend in Ukraine, which is traditional inheritace society, there is no death tax here“