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Ich wünsche euch allen ein frohes neues Jahr und liebe Grüße.
Ich wünsche euch allen ein frohes neues Jahr und liebe Grüße.
Whatever one might think, this is the …
Adriatic sunsets in 2018.
Going paperless may invite unexpected
In less than 10 km from Kreschatick street, the very centre of down-town Kiev here you are….
Yesterday weather forecast in Kiev: showers, raining stair rods, precipitation half-garden-vase-deep.
Which aircraft won WWII battles: ultimate killing machine or the most devoted airplane? Supermarine Spitfire or Messerschmitt? If copywriters market Messerschmitt’ manufacturer with Royal Supermarine Spitfire…
Urban legends say it was built by Germans – Prisoners of WWII in 1949. For those, who know where to look…
Ad Hoc – Test Drive, HD HOG Kiev Chapter at Motobike 2018 Exhibition, Ukraine
…kefir is kind of dietary cheating, …there are folk stories about some residual alcohol in it. As to reaction to its shape, some my acquaintances named it “non-sour hard-on” (“некислый стояк”).
Sasha Microbe pioneered networking with “Works from Photo Both”, but now FB enjoys Scottall&scot-free’ momopoly status. The remedy is application of antitrust and data protection laws. It is about direct AD/ targeted marketing which must be competitive.
4 in 1…
On illusion and deception, DST and pagan place in Kiev, Ukraine
It is not our native holiday, while …
It is the 5th day of celebrating International Women Day in Ukraine. As de facto since the 5th of March…
Ukrainian Mardi Gras this year 12-18th of February. Its dish is easy pancakes made of water, eggs and flour, with dough as runny, as milk. It may seem frying takes lots of cooking oil. Not at all. The secret is ……
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On Vozdvizhenka, Kiev, Ulraine
Versatile Thrush in different moods, and with varieties of communication moduses.
Some like it Moon …
On good investment of victorious residents; saint patrons in Balkans, Sveti Stephan Christian holidays and Ukrainian customs
Snow-fall in Mariinsky Park in Kiev, Ukraine, – that is how I imagined Happy New Year 2018 to be.
On the 26th of December 2016, the date of my arrival to Montenegro, I was in anticipation for collecting my ‘Christmas box’. What happened next was about generating random string – paper Fast Moving Consumer Passwords, over the top media services…
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View from my window on 24th of December, Christmas Eve
Lake Skadar is considered to be the largest lake of Balkans and Southern Europe, located on territories of Montenegro and Albania.