Yesterday weather forecast Kiev

Yesterday weather forecast in Kiev:  showers, raining stair rods, precipitation half-garden-vase-deep.

 I sensed window-seals shaking as I was shutting my windows, because of sudden night – thunder storm and hail.

Intrigued,  I went outisde, but did not manage get far…  for raining stair rods.

The car is there behind the bars of rain.

Luckily, In 20 minutes it calmed down and by Midnight our garden turned to swimming pool.


Next morning there was nowhere to swim, yet it became the place to drift and wrestle in mud.


Big luck,  Kiev is not tropical city yet, as we had half-garden-vase-deep precipitation just in 20 minutes of rain.

I imagine, how boring my existence might become, would part of my municipal fee would be spent on decent drainage system.

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