Didorovka lake of Kiev, mid-October 2018

In less than 10 km from Kreschatick street, the very centre of down-town Kiev here you are….

Didorovka lake, one of string-lakes located at Goloseevsky National Park.  City lake Didorovka is very popular week-end destination for residents of Kiev.

About history and legends of this place I would tell later.  This post is about … autumn’ Didorovka.

Autumn continue surprise this year, for it is warm and mild. Today, the 14th of October 2018, and yet it feels and looks like mid-September. Please, see photos of Didorovka lake attached.


Wonderful picturesque bench not for sitting.


Somehow this bench is occupied by sand.

Wildwinds this year created good scenes for film production.

Autumn is very traditional with bonfires, even if there is pretty fine introduced for making fire in forest.  While ther are specially designated and equipped places for bonfires. There are plenty specially designated places for ‘kebab bonfire’ around Didorovka lake.

Yet, here is still enough privacy and solitaire.

I made this pictures in prime-time of national Holiday, the Defender Day on the 14th of October.

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