Moon happens

Some like it Moon …

Being lured by the bright blue Moon, I took my camera and went to nearby Mariinsky park (Kiev, Ukraine) on the evenining of January the 31st, 2018.

Before leaving I’ve tried finding my camera tripod – in vain. So when I finally left home it was already late – 6 p.m., the Moon was high, but surprisingly I could see her face on this drammatic sky.

Later this evening friends asked me why did I over-photoshop clouds? No, in fact I did not. That how the sky looked like.

On my way back from Moon-hunting – here you are: Lipska Alley mansion with windows brightly lit by external projectors. It was funny this particular evening.

Some like it Moon


And as I learned at home, my camera tripod was thrown away by one iPod-fun on pretext that “when you unfold it everrything is already happened anyway”. Yes, there is always solution …

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